Stu Dent Health Serv Ice at Olin Health Cen Ter
main tains a range of struc tural units that sup port ac tivi ties and func tions which, col lec tively, sus tain an en v i ron ment which sup ports the in tel lec tual en ter prise that is Michi gan State Uni ver sity. Such ac tivi ties and func tions in c lude re search and out reach pro grams; cul tural events; health, coun sel ing, and rec rea tive serv ices; and pub li c in for ma tion. Some of the ma jor units are de scribed in the state ments that fol low.
منابع مشابه
Tuition, Fees and Other Financial Information
The ex penses for each se mes ter will vary ac cord ing to the per sonal needs of the stu dent and the course of study pur sued. The tu i tion rate dif fers ac cord ing to which of the three fol low ing cat e go ries a stu dent qual i fies: res i dent of Texas, non-res i dent of Texas, or pur su ing a li cense-op tion cur ric u lum (Ma rine Trans por ta tion, Ma rine En gi neer ing Technology, ...
متن کاملColor Stability of a Microhybrid Resin Composite Polymerized with LED and QTH Light Curing Units
Introduction: Discoloration of resin composites is a common reason for replacement of these restorations. The aim of this study was to eva-luate the influence of different light curing de-vices on color stability of a microhybrid resin composite. Materials and Methods: 80 disc-shaped speci-mens (8 mm in diameter, 2-mm height) were fabricated from filtek Z250 resin composite. Specimens wer...
متن کاملInduction of graft acceptance after dog kidney or liver transplantation.
From the Departments of Surgery and Pathology. University Health Center of Pmsburgh. University of Pittsburgh, PA; the Department of PathOlogy. St Mary's Hospital and Medical School. London, Englard: and the Veterans Administration Medical Cen· ter, Pittsburgh. PA. Supported ::y research grants from the Veterans Administration and PrOject Grant No. OK 29961 from the ~ational Institutes of Healt...
متن کاملEvaluation of the substantivity of chlorhexidine in association with sodium fluoride in vitro Avaliação da substantividade da clorexidina na associação com fluoreto de sódio in vi tro
AB STRACT: The ef fi cacy of the flu o ride-chlorhexidine as so ci a tion in the pre ven tion of gin gi vi tis and car ies has been ad vo cated for a num ber of years5,7,14. The ob jec tive of the as so ci a tion of these ther a peu tic agents is a syn er gis tic ac tion. The aim of the pres ent study was to de ter mine the substantivity of chlorhexidine as so ci ated or not to so dium flu o ri...
متن کاملEvaluation of oral health behavior of female dental hygiene students and interns of Saudi Arabia by using Hiroshima University Dental Behavioural Inventory (HU-DBI).
AIM To evaluate and compare oral health behavior of female dental hygiene students/interns (stu/int) studying in private and government universities of Saudi Arabia. METHODS An English version of Hiroshima University Dental Behavioral Inventory (HU-DBI) was self-administered by 85 dental hygiene stu/int of government and private university colleges and responses were collected. Descriptive st...
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